Solved! Iprog Clone Software Failed to Install on Win10

Recently, a customer encountered some problems with the use of iprog+ pro clone: When the firewall and Windows Defender have been turned off, I need to wait many seconds between switching scripts (sometimes I need to wait a minute before using the next script or wait to Open the program-it seems that sometimes the programmer cannot be found or the system is looking for it, but it does not disconnect in the Windows system). It works fine on Windows 7. where is the problem?

I have check two times that real-time protection is disabled by the DefenderControl program. I have disabled also in Regedit:

(Windows Defender Security Center Service)

(Security Center service)


2 = Enable
4 = Disable

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender
Modify = 1

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection
Modify = 1

It helps me!

So, iprog+ Pro Win10 is ok.

iprog+ Pro win7 is definitely ok too.


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