Xhorse Multi-Prog Programmer FAQs

Was Xhorse VVDI Prog discontinued? Which function and car model is supported by Xhorse Multi-Prog Programmer? Check the answers below.

Q: Xhorse Multi- Prog and VVDI Prog, what’s the difference?
A: Multi-Prog covers all functions of VVDI Prog. The main difference is that Multi prog has the batch programming function but VVDI PROG programmer does not. Multi-prog ECU programmer can support factory usage mode for batch programming of chips. In this mode, the functions of batch programming, offline programming, and file offline programming can be realized.

Q: Now vvdi prog development is over?
A: No, it is still being updated.

Q: Is the VH13 adapter on the Multi-Prog main unit?

A: Yes. The interface adapter board marked in red is.

xhorse multi prog faqs 1

Q: Can it read mqb rh850?
A: A RH850 cable specifically for MULTI-PROG will be released in the future. Please stay tuned!

Q: Is it applicable for trucks?
A: Yes, it supports some trucks, depending on the specific model.

Q: Is NCF29A1 remote unlock software available with this multi-prog programmer?
xhorse multi prog faqs 2
A: No, it doesn’t support that.

Q: Does multi prog work in Mercedes Benz?
A: Yes.

Q: Will it read older bmw ecu like ms43/45 and me9.2?
A: No. there is no related option to operate.

Q: Can it read BMW Bosch MEVD17.2.9 ECU?
A: Yes, multi-prog can read ISN/EEPROM/Flash on bench OK.

Q: Can it read Benz MED17. 7.2?
A: Yes, on bench OK.

Q: Does it clone BENZ 271de ECU?
A: Yes, on bench OK.

Q: Can it read Peugeot MEV17.4.2 TC1767?
A: Yes, multi prog ECU programmer can read INT EEPROM/FLASH in boot mode.

Q: Does it support Land Rover ZF 9HP TCM clone?
A: Yes, in boot.

Q: Is Multi Prog Programmer compatible with all adapters of Xhorse VVDI PROG?
A: Only supports some.

Q: Can it repair BMW CAS and FRM?
A: Yes.

Q: Does it support m35128wt and m35160wt?
A: Yes.

Q: Does Xhorse Multi Prog require extra cable to read and write vehicle Immo module?
A: Yes, Xhorse solder-free adapters and cables are required.

Q: Does Multi- prog need MQB48 activation license, and work with VVDI2 programmer?
A: Multi-prog programmer comes with MQB48 license, only need to bind with your Xhorse VVDI2/ Key Tool Plus account, and then the MQB48 function can be used on device normally.

To be continued…

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