Choose KESS V2 ? K-tag ? or Fgtech Galletto V54 ?

Different among Top 3 ECU Programmer KESS V2 V2.22 firmware V4.036_Ktag V2.13 firmware V6.070_Fgtech V54 Galletto 4:

Product Name Kess V2 V2.22


K-tag V2.13


Fgtech v54 Galletto 4


Function read and write the Data of Engine ECU read and write the Data of Engine ECU read and write the Data of Engine ECU
Support Vehicles Cars and part Bikes cars, trucks,traktors and bikes Car, Truck, Motorbyke, Marine
Support Protocols With coverage of all major brands and protocols including Line, CAN, EDC17 and MED17 and Ford J1850 Available Protocols for K-TAG: BDM MOTOROLA MPC5xx NEW JTAG – BDM – MOTOROLA – FREESCALE – INFINEON
Method Via OBD2 Via BDM Both via BDM and OBD
Update Update via Hardware Update via Hardware NO
Token No tokens limitation No tokens limitation No
Langauge English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Turkish
EDC17 work with a small part work with a small part work with a small part
 Additional remark
1)  Most customers use FGTech Galletto 4 V54. Some users prove fgtech2 v52 works 50% obd. BDM works ok and work ok with tricore and st10 micros. Fgtech galletto not disappoint them never.
2)   KESS V2 has Anti-mediation lock module, it can do new and encrypted cars better than Fgtech.
Remark: no one is perfect, maybe is good to have more than one tool, but much better is to have one good tool.

Kess V2 V2.22 Firmware V4.036 Master:

Kess V2 V2.22 Master

K-TAG V2.13 Firmware V6.070 Master Version:

K-TAG V2.13 Firmware V6.070

Best Quality FGTech V54 Galletto 4 Master Version:

Best Quality FGTech V54 Galletto 4

This is from ECU Programmer blog technical support

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