MB 272/273 (ME9.7) DME Refresh by Yanhua ACDP with Module 18

Yanhua Mini ACDP with Module 18 can refresh DME for Mercedes- Benz CR3.XX/CR4.XX/CR5/CR6/CR60.XX/SIM271DE2.0/SIM4LKE/SIM271KE2.0/CRD.11/CRD2.XX/ME9.7/MED17.7.X/SIM266 etc.via Bench mode. It’s very easy and convenient. No need to open DME shell, drill hole on DME.
Here takes MB 272/273 (ME9.7) as an example.

The step-by-step guide:
Prepare Mini ACDP, ME9.7 DME, and PECU connecting line
Insert the PECU into the test point of the DME according to the picture in the help document
Then connect the PECU to ACDP host
PECU & ACDP host

Select Benz>> DME refresh>> ME9.7>> Refresh

Confirm the ACDP with the DME have been connected
Then click ‘Continue’
Read system info successfully, and make a screenshot of this result
Both the state of Personalized and activated are ‘YES’
Click ‘Continue’

Confirm the file backup path and click ‘OK’
Select ‘Automatic calculation erase password’ to get the erase password>> click ‘Continue’

Read the prompt as below and go to continue

  • The online password calculation is about to begin. During the password calculation process, it is forbidden to unplug or plug the device and please keep the device connected to internet!
  • Ready to erase data, please don’t cut the power nor pull out the device during the programming!

Erase system data successfully>> click ‘OK’

Confirm the file backup path and click ‘OK’
Back to the main menu, select ‘Identify’
Confirm the ACDP with the DME have been connected> click ‘Continue’
The system info has been read, now both the state of Personalized and activated are ‘NO’

Identify system info finish>> backup file

Device used:
Yanhua Mini ACDP Programming Master Basic Module with License A801 NO Need Soldering:

Yanhua ACDP Mercedes Benz DME/ISN Refresh Module 18 with License A102:

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