VVDI Prog can’t read Mercedes-Benz W210 EIS 68HC05?

Verified: VVDI Prog can’t read Mercedes-Benz W210 EIS 68HC05.  That is because

W210 eis 68hc05 inside. 2 piece. and Vvdi prog does not know about 68hc05. Only hc908 and hc912

it has been ignored due to the fact that many other early programmers can do, such as Xprog-m or Orange5 or ETL, it’s being re considered though expect it to be added soon, however this dose not mean that Vvdi Prog is useless cause many other tools Resellers r using this to point out that it’s useless for new comers

Xprog for $60 around can help out. Look here:

note that crappy XPROG can’t read that motorola, bad clone have corrupted firmware and if you try to read it, xprog will erase eeprom and you have all FF FF FF FF. So, so far a HQ XPROG programmer if you want do it with a clone tool.


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