Free Download Link and Install Guide of OEM Orange5 V1.34

Here is a free download link to OEM Orange5 V1.34 software on Mega.

What’s more, setup guide on win7 8, test reports, chip list, OEM Orange5 VS original Orange5 and Orange5 adapter schematics also contained on this  post.


OEM Orange5 software:

Version: V1.34
Language: English and Russian


Part 1: OEM Orange5 software free download:

https://mega.nzthis postZ!hnwPFYHtygbmlNW14gxLJIwM1XW7ueST-ylIAsz0qco

includes IMMO HPX 9V0 Software License

Compatible with WINXP/WIN7/WIN8


Work with the OEM Orange5 interface like


Part 2: OEM Orange5 software installation video


Part 3: OEM Orange5 reviews

  1. 2j74y ok
  2. 35080 ok
  3. TMS IMMO Opel ok
  4. Hc05 IMMO old VW ok


  1. Tested reading usual EPROMS all good. tested IMMO login code from dump, TMS VW works.


  1. IMMO SW included and also activation for other sw. No problem till now , of course I not test all but with some NEC all ok .


  1. Everything works as it should, knock on wood. Not sure is there any script but software for IMMO, radio and dash coming together with clone.


  1. Can extract the dump of an EEPROM with a programmer and modify it with the software came with the Orange.


  1. Check in hc05b8, hc11e9 EEPROMs. All read and write very fast.


  1. Have 4 secured MCU and they work ok. On Hc908az60 secured and on 68hc11 it work’s just perfect.


  1. Tested with 1j35d, 4j74y, 1d69j, 0d69j, 0f82b, 3k91d, TMS 370c702 OK!



Better refer to OEM Orange5 V1.34 chip list (full) before purchasing


Part 5: OEM Orange5 V1.34 VS original Orange5

  1. Price difference, it is fact we all know.


  1. The adapters quantities and colors are the different.

Here OEM Orange5 V1.34 comes with these adapters:

USB cable 1
In circuit wire 10
SOIC8/DIP8 Expert adapter 1
SOIC8/DIP8 adapter 1
SOIC8_14_93Cxx adapter 1
Lead 11E9(20) with power 1
Adapter 05L28/05B 1
Adapter 908AS60/AZ60 QFP64 1
Adapter 68HC(7)05P3/E6 1
Adapter 05B/X_705B/X QFP64 V2 1
Adapter 11PA8/11E9 QFP64 1
Adapter 68HC05H12 1
Adapter 68HC11EA9 1
Adapter 908AS60 1
Adapter 9S12Dxx 1
Adapter 912Dxx 1
Adapter 9S12X 1
Adapter 912B32 QFP80 1
Adapter 68HC11F1 1
Adapter 68HC11L6 1
Adapter 68HC11KA4 1
Adapter 9S12XE 1
Adapter PCF7941 1
Adapter TMS374C003A 1
Adapter MSP430F 1
Adapter 68HC11KA4 PLCC68 1
Adapter 908JL 1

Original Orange5 V1.34 full adapters:

  1. Orange-5 (include 05BP2&HC11A/Exx; TMS; K/CAN)
  2. SOIC8 14 93Cxx adapter
  3. SSOP8/DIP8
  4. Adapter 908AS60/AZ60 QFP64
  5. Adapter 68HC(7)05P3/E6
  6. Adapter 05B/X 705B/X QFP64 V2
  7. Adapter 11PA8/11E9 QFP64
  8. Adapter 68HC05H12
  9. Adapter 68HC11EA9
  10. Adapter 908AS60
  11. Adapter 9S12Dxx
  12. Adapter 912Dxx
  13. Adapter 9S12X
  14. Adapter 912B32 QFP80
  15. Adapter 68HC11F1
  16. Adapter 68HC11KA4
  17. Adapter 68HC11L6
  18. Lead 05B6 WDT VW immo incircuit
  19. Lead for EWS3 mask 0D46J
  20. Lead 912 (9S12) incircuit
  21. Lead 908 (08) incircuit
  22. Lead 705E6 incircuit
  23. Adapter TMS374C003A


Part 5: Programmer Orange5 adapter schematics

Orange-5 Connectors and Panels

Microwire 93cXX Connections (DIP8,SOIC8,SOIC14)

Adapter for reading ISO smart-card

Adapter for Programming microcontrollers ATMEL AT89Cx051

Adapter for serial programming of microcontrollers ATMEL AVR

Ps. Instead of the quartz resonator reference frequency from terminal P12 can be used.


Programming Microcontrollers MICROCHIP PIC


Adapter CAN K-Line


Socket DB9:


K-Line Pullup Jumper determines connection of the pullup resistor.

The jumper can be in three positions – 5V, 12V or removed.

Also external power supply (12V) can be attached in contact +Vbat


Jumper CAN Terminator if attached connects a resistor (120 Ohm) between CAN H and CAN L chains.


Adapter for Programming ER1400


Adapter for Programming MDA2061, MDA2062

+20V power supply during programming is attached to connector Vpp


Finally, don’t forget OEM Orange 5 V1.34 with software

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